When is HbA1c useful and what do the numbers mean – do they help or hinder?
HbA1c, inpatient diagnosis, gestational diabetes, remission, red blood cellsAbstract
Background: Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) measurement is used for diagnosis, management and remission of type 2 diabetes (T2DM), with measurements comparable worldwide and the World Health Organization listing medical conditions that affect its accuracy. Admission glucose is in the ‘diabetes’ range in 5% of emergency hospital admissions without prior diagnosis, with literature searches indicating inconsistent practice on using HbA1c to confirm diagnosis. As oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) were not possible during the COVID-19 pandemic, guidance was issued by the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology on using HbA1c for gestational diabetes mellitus.
Aims: This study explores use of HbA1c at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, a large university hospital serving a multi- ethnic adult population.
Methods: Information is presented on comparability, clinical audits, research studies and current practice, and is illustrated by case reports.
Results: Data from the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program show comparability of laboratoryHbA1c and point-of-care testing methods from 1993 to 2023. Although HbA1c was used to diagnose gestational diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals have reverted to OGTT post pandemic. In contrast, HbA1c is now being used to assess T2DM remission. Case reports illustrate these scenarios and highlight the complexity of decision-making when the accuracy of the HbA1c reading is affected by multiple co- morbidities.
Conclusions: This wider use of HbA1c includes remission of T2DM but the diagnosis of gestational diabetes has reverted to OGTT post pandemic. A pictorial representation of HbA1c range is presented to aid understanding of this test. It is suitable for diagnosis of diabetes in most people except those with some variant haemoglobins or abnormal red blood cell turnover.
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