Author Guidelines
Instructions to Authors
Details of the types of manuscripts considered and relevant reporting guidance.
Authors: include forenames, initials & affiliations for each named author.
Corresponding author include mailing address with postcode, email, phone & fax.
Abstract: (< 200 words), key words; subheaded text, references (30 max, but this is flexible, avoid citing abstracts), 3-5 very short Key messages. Abbreviations and acronyms list (don't state in full in text).
Reference: style Vancouver, but if < 4 authors cite all, if > 4 authors only cite 1st 3 et al. If a website was used to access references eg NICE, provide web address and month accessed. Please do NOT supply references in Endnote.
Figures: (ideally PowerPoint) please use 'journal colours': shades of blue and if necessary, greys. Please include clear legends; key and expansion of abbreviations & acronyms as appropriate to the figure.
Photos: must be supplied separately and as 300 dpi jpegs, minimum size 100mm. Please do not provide images in word or any other application.
Tables: please supply in the layout you wish them to appear in the journal. Please include clear legends; key and expansion of abbreviations & acronyms as appropriate to the table.
See past issues for style guide
Conflict of interest: All authors must supply a conflict of interest statement or confirm none exists using the ICJME Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest document.
Acknowledgement of funding; this should be provided
Length of article
Review - text ~ 2000 words plus tables/illustrations
Achieving Best Practice - text ~500-1500 words plus tables/illustrations
Current Topics - text ~500-1500 words plus tables/illustrations
Case Report - < 2 pages of final copy. Note Case reports do not have an Abstract and do not have Key Messages (max 10 refs)
Copyright: Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permission.
Submission: All submissions must be made online via our manuscript submission system.
All manuscripts must comply fully with the instructions for authors.
To submit your manuscript please register (see top menu) if you have not already done so.
If you have registered, log in and on the page you will see two places to begin your submission.
- In the middle section, Option 1
- In the left sidebar, Option 2
Author Complaints