Consensus recommendations for the use of Ambulatory Glucose Profile in clinical practice
Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP) is a way of displaying glucose data to reveal clinically relevant information. In a previously outlined study AGP was used to interpret glucose data recorded in patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes. These results, along with the published evidence and their own clinical experience, were discussed by an expert panel of diabetes specialists, with the aim of developing guidelines to assist clinicians in the analysis and interpretation of AGP.This group supports the consensus view that the AGP can be an effective standard for the analysis of glucose data. Interpretation guidelines are reported in the form of an algorithm, developed to demonstrate a step-by-step approach in undertaking the analysis of an AGP report in clinical practice. These are expected to improve glycaemic control, and might help patients to better understand their glucose levels and become more involved in the management of their diabetes. Where hypoglycaemia is identified, the recommendation is to focus, as a priority, on its management. At the end of the consultation, one key message should be reinforced with the patient.
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