Healthcare professional awareness of eating disorders in people with type 1 diabetes: a staff survey
type 1 diabetes, eating disorders, diabulimia, insulin omission, healthcare professionalsAbstract
Background: People with type 1 diabetes are at increased risk of eating disorders. ‘Diabulimia’, ‘Syndrome of Insulin Omission’ and ‘Type 1 diabetes and Disordered Eating’ (T1DE) are all terms used to describe the omission or restriction of insulin in type 1 diabetes for fear of weight gain. For consistency, Type 1 diabetes and Disordered Eating (T1DE) is used throughout this article. The condition is associated with a significant increase in morbidity and mortality but is not yet recognised as a unique entity.
Aim: To determine healthcare professional awareness and knowledge of eating disorders in type 1 diabetes.
Methods: A short, cross-sectional, online healthcare professional survey across primary, secondary and community settings.
Results: Healthcare professional confidence is low when it comes to recognising and supporting people with T1DE, but there is an interest in learning more.
Conclusion: The findings from this study support strategies to improve healthcare professional awareness of T1DE.
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