Potential prevention of diabetes and obesity by achieving macronutrient balance: a guide for diet and fast food
macronutrients, protein, weight loss, fast food, satietyAbstract
Protein is the most satiating macronutrient. Animal studies have indicated that there may be a discrete amount of protein that an individual seeks to consume each day. Given this to be true, a person will continue to eat until this amount of protein has been consumed. Once the target is met, hunger signals are switched off. By altering the proportion of protein in a diet, you can affect how many calories are required to meet this target. A diet with a protein content >15% drives weight loss through the reduction of calories consumed to meet protein needs. We hypothesise that changing the proportion of calories from protein in a person’s diet from 12% to 20% could alter their total intake by 1000 kcal each day. This equates to a weight change of 0.9 kg each week. Maintaining a healthy weight is not as simple as changing a single variable. Eating habits in the UK are governed by a range of complex interdependent factors including hunger, emotions, cost, accessibility, education and culture. However, we suggest that by addressing satiety, and thereby hunger, we may remove a significant barrier for those trying to alter their diet for weight loss.References
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