A qualitative evaluation of patients’ perspectives of the FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitor
FreeStyle Libre, flash glucose monitoring, patient perspective, patient experience, qualitative, type 1 diabetes, self-monitoringAbstract
Background and aims: This qualitative project sought to evaluate the FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitor (FSLFGM) from the perspective of patients of an outpatient diabetes clinic. The aim was to evaluate patients’ experience of the device, and based thereon to create a brief assessment pro-forma for routine clinic use to justify continued prescription.
Method: A purposive sample was recruited. Telephone interviews were conducted until saturation was achieved. A total of 10 patients were interviewed using a flexible topic guide created in collaboration with the multidisciplinary diabetes team and a consultative panel of people with diabetes. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the interviews.
Results and conclusions: Four superordinate themes, along with subordinate themes, were identified and triangulated by members of the multidisciplinary diabetes team: (1) checking bloods; (2) freedom; (3) impact on others; and (4) perceived disadvantages. Overall, patients reported a strongly positive experience of using the FSLGM, with all expressing a desire to continue use. Using these themes, a brief pro-forma was created for use in review clinics to facilitate discussion and to support decision-making about continued prescription.
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