Findings of a nationwide survey of the diabetes education and training needs of midwives in the UK
Nationwide, diabetes, education, training, midwivesAbstract
Introduction: The incidence and prevalence of diabetes is increasing in pregnant women. Midwives manage a substantial proportion of care of these women. Currently it is not
known whether midwives have sufficient competence in managing these patients well. The Diabetes Care Trust commissioned a survey to assess the diabetes education and training needs of midwives who look after pregnant women with diabetes.
Material and methods: A freedom of information request was made to all the NHS Trusts in the UK to gather relevant information about the roles and responsibilities of midwives in the
maternity units in the UK. This was followed by a Survey Monkey questionnaire to midwives in the UK who are members of the Royal College of Midwives to assess their education and training level, needs, desires and views preceded by a test survey on nine midwives.
Results: The survey revealed considerable variation in the roles and responsibilities, current levels of training and education needs of midwives. Over 85% of midwives expressed a desire to access additional education on diabetes management in different areas. Training in insulin initiation and titration, management during labour and ability to contribute to the antenatal clinic was desired by over 85% of midwives surveyed.
Conclusions: There is an unmet need for structured education and training programmes for midwives in the management of diabetes in pregnancy. We recommend further work in producing tailored and accredited training programmes at different levels to suit the differing needs of midwives and diabetes specialist midwives in the UK.
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