Management of lipids in adults with diabetes mellitus and nephropathy and/or chronic kidney disease: summary of joint guidance from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) and the Renal Association (RA)
diabetes, nephropathy, chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, lipids, statins, guidelinesAbstract
In diabetes, nephropathy and chronic kidney disease are independent and co-existent harbingers of end stage renal failure as well as increased morbidity and premature mortality due to cardiovascular disease. Whilst lipid management is beneficial in reducing cardiovascular risk in populations with and without diabetes, there is a paucity of national guidance on the utility of this approach in diabetes patients with renal disease. This joint guidance collates the best available evidence and expert opinion (in the absence of clear evidence) to provide 28 guidelines to empower clinicians to deliver optimal lipid management according to renal status in these patients at high cardiovascular risk. The abridged guideline herein provides a practical overview of the full document. The full guidance with detailed rationale is available online.References
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